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Ask Mom for a Push Up Bra and How

One of our customers wrote to us saying that she recently begin to see signs that her breasts are developing fast, and feels she needs a push up bra to prevent the breasts to sag at the early stage. But she is wondering how to ask her mom to buy one for her, because most likely her mom will think that her girl wants a push up bra to look sexy or purely because her friends and classmates are already wearing push up bras. 

This a good question. I remember when I was young my mom felt so reluctant to buy me a bra (not to mention a push up bra) just because she simply refused to think her little girl had already turned into a woman.  I am sure my mom is not the only one there that mentally disbelieves her daughter’s growing up, so it could be difficult for a teenage girl to initiate the conversation of purchasing a bra. Additionally, some moms believe that teenage girls have just gone through puberty and the breasts will not be full when teens are 18 to 21 year old. So they firmly discourage teens from wearing a push up bra.

push up bra | FinallyBra

However, if your breasts are growing so fast to a degree that they frequently bounce and you feel hurt when you move and they start to droop, wearing a bra, or even a push up bra, can do more good than bad. A push up bra can prevent the sag incur too early, and more importantly, it can secure your breasts when you move and shape them in a better way which will benefit a whole life later on. 

But what is a good way to approach your mom to explain your needs? Maybe it is easier just not to make a big deal of it in advance.  How about simply mentioning, “Mom, can you take me to the mall and buy a bra that is more supportive?  This one I’m wearing is not functioning as it should anymore; I think I have outgrown it”.  Very likely, what you said is enough.  She might ask you one or several questions, all you need to do is to explain your needs with all honesty.  Tell her about the discomfort, your small or big breasts, slightly sagging of your breasts, clothes not looking good on you anymore, and so on and so forth.

It’s that easy.  Don’t be surprises if your closeness with your mom gets enhanced by the subject of a push up bra.

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